"There's a new Web log for political junkies in Oklahoma -- the Oklahoma Political News Service." -- Roll Call
“A source confirms the report in the Oklahoma Political News Service that the Ethics Commission had started looking into alleged campaign donation irregularities.”Jerry Bohnen - News Radio 1000 KTOK-AM (Oklahoma City)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Oklahoma Corporate Commissioner Jim Roth
100 days ago Governor Brad Henry appointed me as your public servant to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. In these 100 days I have worked hard to analyze where we are as a State, a Commission and a citizenry and I am very excited about our collective future. I am grateful to my Commission colleagues Jeff Cloud and Bob Anthony for their professionalism, assistance and interest in our State’s future.The issues of American energy are far too complex to fairly address in this short column, but I am hopeful the following information will inspire you to think about a future in which YOU can better control your own future energy needs and costs. How? Energy Efficiency.
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