Hot in... so hot in herre! So hot in... hot - OH! With a little bit of, uh uh; and a little bit of, uh uh Just a little bit of.. {*beat*}; just a little bit of.. {*beat*} Just a little bit of.. {*beat*}; just a little bit of.. {*beat*} People you have just read the lyrics to a popular song by rap artist Nelly. Those lyrics represent how liberals came up with their Global Warming bologna. First you tell people its so hot in here (Duh the sun is shining), then you come up with the lies. A little bit of uh uh (lie lie) and a little bit of (lie lie).
After that what do you come up with? Global Warming the biggest lie other than the one about
Bush blowing up the levees in New Orleans. Well our liberal friends over at Think Progress, an oxymoron because thinking is something they obviously don't do have decided to target Sen. Inhofe for telling the truth.
Senator Inhofe: "So in all of the recent science, as I`ve mentioned on your radio show, it confirms that I was right on this thing. This thing is a hoax."
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Labels: Global Warming
Posted at 9/13/2007 09:30:00 AM