Yes on Term Limits Finds Voters Support New Limits On Statewide Offices
OKLAHOMA CITY--A new statewide poll shows Oklahomans overwhelmingly in favor of the term limits laws currently in place for the governor and state legislators, and indicates that voters would likewise support a new initiative to expand term limits to cover other statewide officials.
“Polling shows that Oklahomans choose term limits, and we want to expand this tool for responsible government as soon as we can,” says Yes on Term Limits Board Member Jack Dake of Oklahoma City.
Yes on Term Limits sponsored the poll, which was conducted July 18, 2007 by Pulse Opinion Research. The poll surveyed 1,000 voters and has a margin of error of +/-3 percent. Yes on Term Limits, an Oklahoma ballot committee, was formed last month to pursue expanding term limits to secondary state offices: Attorney General, Lt. Governor, State Auditor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Labor, Insurance Commissioner, and Corporations Commissioner.
Dake says the poll numbers, gathered by one of America’s most reliable pollsters, are quite stunning. “We suspected good support, but not by the overwhelming numbers the Pulse Opinion Research reveals. Oklahomans are ready to hold statewide officeholders to the same standard they placed on legislators if they are only given the chance.”
Oklahoma voters passed term limits for their legislators in 1990.
“Incredibly, nearly 80% of Oklahomans want term limits on statewide elected officials,” Dake stated. “These numbers indicate they believe strongly that new ideas and new people need to be brought into the process. The current system of what is essentially ‘tenure’ for statewide elected officials needs to be ended immediately.”
Besides Dake, officers for Yes on Term Limits include Chairman James Dunn of Oklahoma City and Board Member Dr. Michael Ritze of Tulsa.
For more information about the poll or to schedule an interview with a leader of Yes on Term Limits, call (405) 947-2462, ext. 112.
Yes on Term Limits
Scott Mitchell, 405-947-2462, ext. 112
Labels: Decision '08
Posted at 8/01/2007 09:00:00 AM