A little damage control maybe?
Oklahoma Democratic Party & Veterans Committee to Host “Support the Troops” Event Oklahomans Deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan to Receive Care Packages
Oklahoma City - The Oklahoma Democratic Party is sponsoring a ‘Support the Troops’ campaign by gathering items from the ‘most wanted’ list that have been requested by our Oklahoma Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Who: Democratic Veterans, family members, elected official and Oklahomans who support our military
What: Event to pack care boxes for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
Where: George Krumme Center, Oklahoma Democratic Party Headquarters, 4100 N. Lincoln, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
When: Tuesday, August 21st from 6:30p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Ron Wasson, Vietnam Marine Corps veteran and Dr. Katherine Scheirman, retired Air Force Colonel, are co-chairs of the Oklahoma Democratic Veteran's Committee, which is devoted to political and social justice issues that affect our country's veterans. They have organized the event to let members of our armed forces know we salute their patriotism and courage.
The event will include speakers from the Veterans Committee along with State Rep Richard Morrissette, Iraq war veteran Mike Waggoner and State Party Chair Ivan Holmes. Refreshments will be served and everyone is invited to participate in this important event.
Read more...Labels: Iraq War, ODP
Posted at 8/17/2007 03:37:00 PM