Green Country GOP Delegation Step Up
By Gary Jones
Most of the time we don’t see a leader’s true grit until a tragedy or crisis hit. Well, Oklahoma has been hit with a crisis, and I’m proud to say our leaders stepped up to the plate.
Over the last few weeks, thousands of Oklahomans have been displaced or evacuated from their homes due to record-breaking flood conditions across Oklahoma. Northeastern Oklahoma has been the most heavily effected area of the state. Washington County has sustained significant damage and has already been approved for individual assistance by President Bush. State Senator John Ford and State Representatives Steve Martin and Earl Sears, who represent the majority of the affected areas, have stepped up to the plate, worked with first responders and emergency officials and showed true leadership exactly when residents needed it the most.
“I am so pleased to serve with Rep. Steve Martin and Rep. Earl Sears in Washington and Nowata Counties,” said Senator Ford. “We have worked closely together during this disaster with the local, state and Federal government agencies to help the victims receive the necessary services to start the recovery process.
“People have lost so much and this disaster has affected our communities deeply,” said Ford. “I will be working with Representatives Martin and Sears to ensure that all available resources are dedicated to helping protect the Washington and Nowata County area residents, and that the area is included in any forthcoming disaster declarations.”
Labels: Gary Jones, OKGOP
Posted at 7/17/2007 01:29:00 PM