"Most of us in this chamber are here because our constituents sent us here. They placed their trust in us, and in return we must pledge to them a government of complete openness and transparency." Gov. Brad Henry - 2007 State of the State Address
"Henry spokesman Paul Sund says the location of first family outings are kept secret to avoid interruptions from people who want to talk or perhaps have dinner with the governor.
Sund says the governor's office will reveal the location when the governor returns..." (AP) March 23, 2007
Because we didn't post yesterday, we missed this story of Governor Henry and the First Lady's pending "church mission" trip to Ghana to distribute mosquito nets. Now it's hard to be cynical -especially when the Lord is involved - but this "church mission"/vacation comes almost three months since their mysterious vacation to Mexico. You remember, the trip the Governor promised to disclose the details of once he returned (84 days and counting)- but never did. Send us a postcard Governor, as the picture above demonstrates, Ghana is beautiful.
Labels: Brad Henry
Posted at 6/15/2007 06:26:00 PM