Message from Chairman Jones

This past Saturday over three hundred Oklahoma Republicans gathered to attend the third annual Stephen’s County Fish Fry in Duncan. The “Fish Fry,” along with the Comanche County GOP Annual BBQ, have grown to become “can’t miss” GOP events, and they are great examples of the changing political landscape in Oklahoma.
Since statehood, SW Oklahoma has been considered by most political experts as Democrat Country. Not any more. With the elections of Senators Don Barrington, Ron Justice, Michael Schulz and Anthony Sykes, along with Don Armes, Ann Coody, T.W. Shannon and Dennis Johnson who joined Susan Winchester in the House, Republicans became the majority party for the first time in Oklahoma’s history.
With faithful activists like Steve Fair, our 4th District GOP Chairman, SW Oklahoma is sending a message that Republicans are energized and ready for 2008. The Republican Party has a message that resonates all across this state, which was evident as I interacted with the hundreds of GOP activists in Duncan this past weekend. It was also clear that Republicans in SW Oklahoma know how to throw a party. I would encourage anyone to pick up a copy of the opening video Steve Fair put together for this year’s Fish Fry. If you know Steve, you will understand.
So as we prepare for the 2008 elections, let us remember that being a Republican and getting Republicans elected is rewarding…but it can also be a whole lot of fun.
Labels: Decision '08, Gary Jones
Posted at 5/07/2007 01:25:00 PM