Gov. Brad Henry has been particularly wieldy with his veto pen this session. First, he vetoed a budget that a bi-partisan Legislature came up with. His main beef was some of his favorite projects weren’t included in the budget, and he wasn’t included in the process. Legislative leaders had left open the door for those projects to be funded, but said they didn’t hold the same priority as the ones they came up with.
Then, the governor vetoed sweeping tort reform legislation that would have put Oklahoma on the map as one of the best states to practice medicine and do business. Now, it appears he may veto an immigration reform bill that is very popular with public at large.
This from a governor who at the beginning of the session said he thought a real sense of bi-partisan progress would occur, particularly with the structure of the half-and-half Senate.
We’re not really sure what the governor is trying to prove by his vetoes of the first two bills.
Read more...Labels: Brad Henry, OK Legislature
Posted at 5/08/2007 12:59:00 PM