March 23, 2007 (AP)
Henry spokesman Paul Sund says the location of first family outings are kept secret to avoid interruptions from people who want to talk or perhaps have dinner with the governor.
Sund says the governor's office will reveal the location when the governor returns...
Today is March 27th, Governor Henry has been back in Oklahoma three days now, and still no word yet on where - or with whom - the governor and his family spent their spring break vacation. The Oklahoma Political News Service reported exclusively last week that Henry and his family were in Cabo San Lucas vacationing at the vacation home of trial attorney Terry West.
This whole episode leaves one scratching their head. What are you trying to hide governor? From Richard Nixon's "Watergate" to Bill Clinton's "Monicagate" to the current U.S. Attorney scandal involving Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, their missteps have proven that you make a relatively benign situation far worse when you obfuscate and try to cover it up.
RELATED: Records Show Taxpayers Paid For Six Henry TripsLabels: Brad Henry, Paul Sund, Terry West
Posted at 3/27/2007 01:06:00 PM