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"This recent picture was taken in SE Oklahoma"
From an earlier story:

By Doug Russell
News Editor
McAlester News Capital
Did he or didn’t he?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation alleges he did, but he can’t be reached to say one way or another. Or even to decline comment.
The locally listed number for District 17 state Rep. Mike Mass is no longer in service and he can’t be reached at the state Capitol either.
In fact, a Capitol staff member said Monday, “We only hear from him when he calls us. The numbers I have for him don’t work anymore.”
No reply was received to an e-mail sent to Mass’ Capitol address, which representatives can access from anywhere there is e-mail capability.
Calls to other numbers, for people listed in state documents as treasurers for two of Mass’ campaigns, were also unproductive.
Mass and two other state lawmakers, former state Reps. Randall Erwin and Jerry Hefner, are accused of profiting from companies that received special project money from the state; money the lawmakers themselves had funneled to the companies.
Read more...Labels: Mike Mass
Posted at 3/11/2007 10:59:00 AM