The Dude Abides:
I would like to go ahead and thank Gov. Brad Henry. What am I thanking him for?? NOTHING!!
See Brad somehow limped into office thanks to a terribly ran campaign by Steve Largent. Brad was brilliant in a sense though. He knew that he could convince an under-educated population that a quick fix method to education was the only way to go. In a way Brad used a form of peer pressure. Remember the old line, "everyone else is doing it"??? Brad used that on Oklahomans like we were kids smoking cigs out behind the high school. Everyone else had the lotto, so why not here?
I'll tell you why not here. There are a couple of reasons. One, we are a poor state. For the most part people here don't have a lot of extra money to spend, which would help explain our current lottery shortfall. Two, all along Brad promised that lottery money would go to educaton in addition to money already allocated. He threw around numbers such as $300 million, but now we are looking at just over $80 million. Lottery critics cited numerous other states who had been told the same things and quoted the same numbers only to have the education fund raided. Guess what?? The critics were right.
Read more...Labels: Brad Henry, Lottery
Posted at 3/26/2007 08:33:00 AM