We guess now is better than never for Chairman Daxon to call for State Auditor and Inspector Jeff McMahan's resignation. It's not like these allegations and the "proof" hasn't been floating around for awhile.
Sources close to Chairman Daxon tell OKPNS that Daxon advised Jones last fall to wait bringing the story out because it would be so damaging that the Democrats would ask McMahan to withdraw from the ballot and substitute another candidate. For the record, Oklahoma law would not have allowed Democrats to substitute another candidate.
Our sources also told us that Daxon recommended to Jones that he should direct his focus on McMahan no longer having a certificate of compliance for his audit reports.
Mike McCarville did an exhaustive examination of the shenanigans before the election. Oh we forgot, Chairman Daxon was too busy coming up with the brilliant plan to use door hangers during last fall's campaign.
Chairman Daxon, here's a way to redeem yourself. How about calling for an independent investigation into the attorney general's Poultrygate scandal?
From the
McCarville Report Online:
Republican Party Chairman Tom Daxon called today for the resignation of Auditor & Inspector Jeff McMahan after a federal investigation alleged he received illegal campaign donations. Appearing on Oklahoma City radio station KTOK's "First News With Reid Mullins" this morning, Daxon said there is the "appearance...and fact" that wrong-doing occurred in the financing of McMahan's 2002 and 2006 campaigns. He said that confidence in the auditor and inspector's office is at stake and McMahan should resign. For KTOK's continuing coverage, tune to AM-1000.
Read more...Labels: Jeff McMahan, OKGOP
Posted at 3/12/2007 12:25:00 PM