The Democratic Party "diversity" dog and pony show - with its agenda of making us all hyphenated Americans - will be on full display tomorrow at a reception in Oklahoma City.
This event is so hysterically politically correct, they won't even call the people they're honoring Iranians; they're calling them
Persians instead. The name Persia hasn't been on a world map since 1935 when the Shah changed the country's name to Iran.
What are the Democrats afraid of? Do they believe good Democrats won't attend the event if its called an Iranian-American meet and greet? Pathetic! Below is the invitation:
Get to know your Persian-American neighbors and their culture
while enjoying some middle eastern delicacy including Baklava.
Lisa Pryor, Oklahoma Democratic Party Chairman along with the Oklahoma Democratic Party Affirmative Action Committee, the Oklahoma Democratic Party Veterans Committee and the Oklahoma Democratic Party Faith Outreach Committee Cordially invite you to a
“Neighbor to Neighbor” Meet and Greet with our local Persian-American community.
Come hear about the social, cultural, political and economic development contributions of this local community and learn about their faith and heritage.
Middle Eastern appetizers provided
Labels: ODP
Posted at 3/12/2007 09:58:00 AM