Gary Jones, CPA and two time opponent of State Auditor Jeff McMahan called on the legislature and the Governor to implement immediate reforms in the Oklahoma State Auditor's office
Jones said these reforms are necessary to help prevent scandals like the current one involving straw donors and the funneling of state funds to Gene Stipe and his partner Steve Phipps.
(1)Remove the abstract division from the authority of the state auditor's office.
"The auditor should not be regulating they should be auditing," said Jones. "Since the law was changed giving the state auditor control over abstractors they have become the primary funding source for campaign contributions to their hand picked auditor candidate. This would also stop the practice of approving or disapproving abstract permits in exchange for campaign contributions."
(2)Make state auditor employees merit employees
Jones believes this would free them from pressure to contribute and campaign in order to keep their jobs. He also believes this would also allow employees of the office to assist in any investigations that might be forthcoming now or in the future.
Jones said he proposed these changes during his campaign.
Labels: Gary Jones, Jeff McMahan
Posted at 3/14/2007 04:40:00 PM