Speaker Cargill mentioned at his weekly press conference this afternoon that the governor’s chief spokesman on matters of policy and finance, Scott Meacham, has said that they are in favor of 90 percent of the bipartisan budget that the governor vetoed yesterday. Meacham made his comments yesterday on the
News9 Morning Show:
NEWS9 MORNING SHOW REPORTER DOUG WARNER: No one is suggesting this morning that the governor is waking up this morning shoving the budget in a paper shredder or anything, but uh, are there any parts that you guys have looked at that you actually like, and think, hey, this was a good move, this was a good decision?
STATE TREASURER SCOTT MEACHAM: “I think a lot of the budget is – probably 90 percent of it, maybe a little less than that – is okay.”
Insiders are scratching their heads and are asking: Why would the governor veto a budget deal, he's 90% in agreement with?
Labels: Brad Henry, Budget, OK Legislature, Scott Meacham, Spkr. Cargill
Posted at 3/29/2007 08:30:00 PM