ODP Chair Lisa Pryor wrote
yesterday on
OKBluenotes that if you can read her post on
HB 1935, the
"Honesty in Funding Education Act," you should "thank a teacher."
It is ironic to us that a day later, one of the most poorly written pieces we've ever seen on the site was submitted on behalf of Black History Month. In between the run on sentences, poor punctuation, and words that simply don't belong in context to the sentences, try and interpret this:
"A Dream Lost"
"A little- known chapter of African-American history in Oklahoma as told to Ronald E. Childs. If anyone truly believes that Columbine High School massacre or the on the Federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was the most tragic bombing ever to take place on United States soil as the media has been widely reporting, they're wrong plain and simple. That's because an even deadlier bomb occurred in the same state to forget that it ever happened..."
We praised them
last week for waiting 14 days to race bait and pander to African American Oklahomans during Black History Month. We guess they wanted to get one more race baiting post on the site before the end of the month.
Labels: Black History Month, OK Bluenotes
Posted at 2/27/2007 11:29:00 AM