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Monday, February 26, 2007 

House Bill 1804 Scheduled for Hearing in House Judiciary Committee

House GOP will advance "most meaningful immigration reform in the nation" House Republicans leaders said today they will advance the nation's most meaningful immigration reform law this week when a House committee takes up House Bill 1804, an omnibus reform measure.
"Our immigration reform effort is about upholding Oklahoma's rule of law and respecting immigrants who come to our country legally," said Speaker Lance Cargill (R-Harrah). "We must do more to make sure that Oklahoma's social safety net is not strained to the breaking point by illegal immigration."
Rep. Randy Terrill, author of House Bill 1804, the Oklahoma Taxpayer & Citizen Protection Act of 2007, said the measure is scheduled to be heard by the full House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 4:30 p.m. in room 412-C at the State Capitol. The measure is a key part of the House GOP's Safe Families platform in the Year of Ideas Agenda. Terrill said that on Feb. 28, in addition to the bill's presentation in committee, representatives from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) will also demonstrate a key element of House Bill 1804, the federal status verification system, called the Basic Pilot Program. The demonstration will take place at 9 a.m. in room 512A at the State Capitol. Basic Pilot uses federal databases to determine work eligibility. Oklahoma would be among the first in the nation to enroll in the program, and employers would be required to use the database system to confirm employees' legal status.
"Our federal government hasn't stopped illegal immigration, so it's up to states to lead the way," said Terrill (R-Moore). "This is about respect for our nation's laws and our state's laws. If you have one broken window in a neighborhood and do nothing to repair it, you'll soon have a neighborhood full of broken windows. That's the situation we have with illegal immigration. As a nation we have looked the other way and ignored the problem for too long."
The Washington, D.C.-based Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) calls House Bill 1804 the most meaningful immigration reform bill in the nation. The IRLI says that, if enacted, HB 1804 will be the most significant single step that any state has taken in this area.
"This is an excellent piece of legislation that carefully balances critical enforcement obligations with respect for the dignity and privileges of U.S. citizens and legal alien residents," said Michael Hethmon, general counsel for the IRLI. "House Bill 1804 gives workers, law abiding businesses, and the taxpayers who fund Oklahoma public services the protection they need against unfair competition."

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Posted at 2/26/2007 02:20:00 PM

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