From our
Oklahoma Legislators' Blog:
By Senator Jay Paul Gumm
One of my top legislative priorities, as it has been over the past few years, is to enact Oklahoma’s version of the “Back to School” sales tax holiday. For years, Texas shoppers – and those Oklahomans who cross the border – enjoy tax-free shopping during the first weekend in August on clothing and shoes costing less than $100 per item.
Millions of dollars in economic activity and sales tax revenue are lost from Oklahoma every year as thousands of our residents cross the border for the sales tax exemption. In addition to the revenue loss our cities, counties and the state endures, Oklahoma’s retailers are at a huge competitive disadvantage that weekend.
Even more heartbreaking, those Oklahoma families who cannot afford to make a trip are stuck paying the full sales tax on back to school clothes. There is no compelling reason to oppose an Oklahoma “Back to School” sales tax holiday.
Read more...Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Sales Tax Holiday, Sen. Gumm
Posted at 2/14/2007 10:07:00 AM