House Speaker Lance Cargill (R-Harrah) speaks at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation in Oklahoma City, where he and House Republican leaders announced the Entrepreneurial Society portion of their 2007 Legislative agenda today.
House Speaker Lance Cargill and House Republicans took the first step in laying out a new vision for the state's second century today.
Speaking at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) -- a premiere 60-year-old research facility that is a focal point for a growing bioscience industry in the state -- Cargill introduced the first part of the House Republican caucus 2007 legislative agenda.
The Speaker said the Entrepreneurial Society platform will focus on removing barriers to economic growth and opportunity in Oklahoma. Cargill and House leaders will unveil more of the agenda over the next two weeks.
"It's time to create an economic environment that rewards hardworking families and entrepreneurs, not punish them with a burdensome bureaucracy and an unfair tax burden,said Cargill (R-Harrah). It's time to promote a wise fiscal policy and require more accountability from government. It's time to foster a first-class educational system to create a talented and capable workforce. And we must create a fair and balanced legal system, one that ensures access to our courts for those with legitimate claims, but does not subject our citizens to unfair shakedown lawsuits, forced settlements to avoid bankruptcy and lengthy and costly jackpot justice lawsuits."
The 2007 House Republican agenda aims to build on landmark reforms passed within the past two years. Highlights of the six-plank Entrepreneurial Society platform:
"Fighting for Taxpayers"
Cargill said the House GOP will fight to preserve and continue last year's tax cut agreement, on track to bring income taxes down to 5.25 percent. And Cargill said the House will pass a childcare tax credit to support stay-at-home moms.
"Promoting Excellence in Education"
Legislation in the House GOP agenda for education will include House Bill 1593 focused on expanding the Academic Achievement Awards program and House Bill 1589 to encourage the development of charter schools.
"Government Efficiency & Accountability"
House leaders have already announced plans to eliminate nearly 20 state boards and task forces that have been inactive for years or duplicate other state entities.
Additional legislation includes:
House Bill 2100:
Commission on the Accountability and Review of State Agencies Bill (CARSA): Authored by Speaker Cargill, this bill will create a special commission to evaluate the need for each state agency, identify duplication in services and consider changes that will improve the efficiency or service of state government. The 10 member commission will conduct reviews every 12 years. Recommendations will require an up or down vote by lawmakers.
House Bill 1073 - Listing of State Agency Appropriated Funds: This measure will require state agencies to publish on their Web sites an accounting of funds appropriated by the Legislature.
"Common Sense in the Courtroom"
House Bill 1620 "Comprehensive Lawsuit Reform". The Comprehensive Lawsuit Reform bill has numerous features, including limiting the amount a defendant can be required to pay to secure the right to appeal; making it harder for frivolous lawsuits to make it to trial; limiting unreasonable class-action lawsuits; limiting the plaintiff to only be liable for its proportionate share of damages, excluding criminal cases; limiting non-economic damages in civil suits to a reasonable amount; and protecting school officials from being sued for reasonably punishing unruly students.
House Bill 2106 “ Business Courts": Authored by Speaker Cargill, HB 2106 will create a specialized court docket to handle commercial and corporate disputes.
House Bill 1475 "Medical Liability": This measure lifts the restriction on the medical specialties under which the $300,000 non-economic damages cap applies.
"Research & Economic Development"
House Bill 2105 "Second Century Entrepreneurship Center": HB 2105 will create a "one-stop shopping" location for entrepreneurs. Housed within the State Department of Commerce, the Second Century Entrepreneurship Center will offer information about local permitting, licenses, state and local codes as well as business forms for applications, tax identification numbers, and any other forms required by the state before business can be conducted.
"Protecting Property Rights"
The property rights of families have been under attack across the country. Oklahoma's House GOP pledges to strengthen state law protecting families' private property.
Labels: OK House
Posted at 1/23/2007 01:53:00 PM