Wednesday, January 31, 2007 Organizers Deem First "IdeaRaiser" A Success
Organizers and participants of the first IdeaRaiser, part of Speaker Lance Cargill’s 100 Ideas Initiative, are calling the event a success. IdeaRaisers are public meetings designed to encourage input and discussion about ideas and suggestions on how the state’s next 100 years can be improved.
The IdeaRaiser, held Tuesday night at the Presbyterian Health Foundation, had more than 100 participants and included discussion on how to foster the biotech industry, medical researchers, local entrepreneurs and other health professionals in Oklahoma and making life better for Oklahomans in general.
"I am very proud to have been a part of the first IdeaRaiser. Speaker Cargill is taking a bold step toward making Oklahoma's next century a great one. Hopefully these IdeaRaisers will produce the kinds of innovative ideas that will make Oklahoma a leader in the biotech fields and many others,“ said Hershel Lamirand, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation.
Others had similar praise for the event, including Dr. David Parke II, president and CEO of the Dean McGee Eye Institute, who said, “I think Speaker Cargill is doing precisely what this state needs: a focus on its future and engaging its entire populace in the process.”