Thursday, January 25, 2007 Lt. Governor Askins: Still Irresponsible?
Madame Lt Governor Jari Askins claimed in this election commercial last fall that "people that know me know I'm a conservative, not a liberal!" Really??
According to
"The lieutenant governor's office is requesting $198,000 more for the coming fiscal year than was appropriated for FY07. Askins said the office was not in need of a supplemental appropriation. She said it didn't quite seem right that the second-highest office in the state receives the equivalent of less than $50,000 a month in state monies to run its staff"
"Other technical needs for the lieutenant governor's office include updating the Web site to make it more interactive, Askins said. Customizing that is needed is a contract expense, she explained. Normally, changes on state-owned Web sites are handled through the state's Web developer,"
Posted at 1/25/2007 09:30:00 AM