Speaker Lance Cargill announced today that the Oklahoma House will have an "open house" policy during the upcoming legislative session to hear from presidential candidates.
Cargill said that he is asking
House Minority Leader Danny Morgan to help contact and schedule Democratic presidential candidates. And Cargill said that two Republican presidential candidates have already sought out opportunities to speak to House lawmakers.
"We're approaching a historic presidential election in two years. Neither party will have an incumbent running for the highest office in the land," said Cargill (R-Harrah). "With such an open field for candidates, I think it's important that we do everything we can to maximize Oklahoma's visibility and impact in the presidential primary selection process. I hope all of the major presidential candidates take advantage of this opportunity."
Oklahoma's presidential primary is scheduled for Feb. 5, 2008 - one of the earliest in the nation. Cargill said the Oklahoma House chamber would be open to announced candidates from any major party to speak to lawmakers during the regular session. Those accepting the invitation will be provided a 15-20 minute opportunity to address the entire House.
"This is good for Oklahoma, and good for democracy," said Cargill, who said the House has already been contacted by
U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) and former Massachusetts Governor
Mitt Romney, a Republican, for upcoming speaking appearances.
Cargill said the House will also provide full gallery access to the general public, as well as access to the House lounge to either party for post-speech receptions and media availabilities.
Posted at 1/30/2007 04:00:00 PM