Democratic Members of the State House announced today the first part of their
"Vision for Oklahoma’s Second Century"- a legislative package that ensures "all Oklahomans receive access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs."
“Access to affordable healthcare should not just be a privilege for the wealthiest Oklahomans,” said Democratic Leader Danny Morgan, D- Prague. “As Democrats, we will make sure that every Oklahoman has the right to affordable healthcare, while also maintaining a fiscally responsible system.”
The Democratic vision for healthcare contains fourteen pieces of legislation. Highlights of the platform include:
Oklahoma Hospital Quality and Access Act (House Bills 1435 and 1354)
Representative Lucky Lamons, D- Tulsa, and Representative John Auffet, D- Stilwell legislation are measures that would allow the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to assess a Hospital Quality and Access Fee from hospitals in Oklahoma. The fee would be 0.875% of gross hospital patient revenues. Funds generated by the fee will be used to increase the level of Medicaid reimbursement for inpatient and outpatient hospital services, emergency room care and physicians.
Allow Patients to Choose Their Doctor (House Bills 1904 and 2131)
House Bill 1904 by Representative Rebecca Hamilton, D- Oklahoma City and House Bill 2131 by Representative Richard Morrissette, D- Oklahoma City, would give the patient the right to choose the doctor who treats them when injured on the job.
Put Same Restrictions on Pharmaceutical Drug Sales Representatives as Lobbyists (House Bill 1938)
House Bill 1938 by Representative Ryan McMullen, D- Burns Flat, would put the same restrictions on pharmaceutical drug sales representatives as lobbyists. Under the provisions of the bill, drug sales representatives would have to register with the Oklahoma State Ethics Commission and follow their guidelines.
Increase Medicaid Coverage for Children (House Bill 1746)
House Bill 1747, by Representative Chuck Hoskin, D- Vinita, would increase the income eligibility guidelines for Medicaid program for children to 200% of the federal poverty level. The current level is set at 185%.
Healthplex Specialty Care Access Act (House Bill 1583)
This bill by Representative Lucky Lamons would direct the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to implement provisions of the Act to assist indigent individuals gain access to specialty medical care by establishing sites for delivery of specialty care and to assist in the training if residents and medical students.
Raise the O-EPIC Federal Poverty Level to 200% (House Bill 1747)
Increases the income eligilibility guidelines for participation in the O-EPIC Premium Assistance Program. He wants to increase it from 185% to 200%.
Geriatric Medical Loan Program (House Bill 1830)
This bill by Representative Ryan Kiesel, D- Seminole, creates the Oklahoma Geriatric Medical Loan Repayment program within the State Department of Health. The program will, upon available funding, provide educational loan repayment assistance for up to five Oklahoma licensed physicians who have completed a fellowship training program in geriatrics, including geropsychiatry, per year. The geriatric specialists who enter the program agree to provide medical care in a designated Geriatric Specialist Shortage Area of the state for five consecutive years and agree that 30% of the patients they treat will be Medicaid recipients.
Require Private Prisons to Treat Mental Health Patients (House Bill 1844)
This bill by Representative Wallace Collins, D- Norman, would require private prisons that contract with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to provide mental health treatment.
Provide a tax deduction equal to health care expenses that are not reimbursed (House Bill 1888)
This bill by Representative Richard Morrissette adds amendatory language which provides a tax deduction equal to the following health care expenses that are not reimbursed:
· Inpatient hospital care up to $50,000
· Doctor visits
· Prescriptions up to $2000
· Rehabilitative care up to $20,000
· Nursing home care up to $20,000
· Home health care up to $20,000
It also adds language stating that resident or part-time individuals with income less than $35,000 are allowed a credit against the tax imposed by Section 2355 of this title fifteen (15%) of the earned income tax credit allowed under IRS rules.
Allow Pharmacies to Sell Discounted Prescription Drugs to Elderly and Uninsured (House Bill 1899)
Representative Hamilton authors this bill that directs the Board of Pharmacy to adopt rules that would allow pharmacies to sell discounted or low cost pharmaceuticals to elderly and uninsured persons. The bill would also require the Board to list all legitimate Canadian web-based and mail order pharmacies on its website.
Assistance for Medicaid Part-D beneficiaries (House Bill 2037)
House Bill 2037 by Representative Jerry McPeak, D- Warner, directs the Department of Human Services to establish a program to assist Medicare Part D beneficiaries by paying the amount between $2,000 and $5,000 (commonly referred to as the “donut hole”) that is not covered by the program for prescription medications.
Oklahoma Drug Price Disclosure Act - House Bill 2137
House Bill 2137 by Richard Morrissette establishes the Oklahoma Drug Price Disclosure Act. The measure requires manufacturers of prescription drugs dispensed under federal or state program in Oklahoma to submit a report to the Chief Executive Officer of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority regarding certain pharmaceutical pricing criteria for each drug.
The bill also provides that a violation of the Drug Price Disclosure Act is a violation of the Oklahoma Consumer Protection Act if the manufacturer sells or offers to sell a prescription drug at price that is in excess of the best price for that drug that has been reported by OHCA.
Posted at 1/30/2007 04:39:00 PM