The dominant wing of the
Democratic party will be in full splendor tomorrow afternoon at the Capital.
Peace House-Tulsa is sponsoring, along with a host of other "peace" groups, a rally with "music, speakers, tables and booths" at the Capitol's South Plaza. A "peace walk" will follow immediately afterwards.
The lead sponsor of the event,
Peace House-Tulsa, was founded last September by two Tulsa Unitarian Universalist Ministers and a local peace activist. The Unitarian Universalist Church says on its
website regarding Jesus Christ's Deity, "[Jesus] was a savior because he was a God-filled human being, not a supernatural being." Regarding the Bible being the infallible word of God:
"We do not, however, hold the Bible-or any other account of human experience-to be either an infallible guide or the exclusive source of truth. Much biblical material is mythical or legendary"
According to their website, Peace House-Tulsa is an "incubator for peace and justice." The organization's stated mission is to "pursue justice through education and nonviolent action, practicing kindness and compassion for all beings, so that peace may prevail on earth." Sounds like the Congressional Democrats' Iraq plan to us.
They're hoping their new building can "host a wide range of activities including classes, discussion groups, meditation, music-making, social gatherings, retreats, etc."

"We envisioned a place where women, children and men could come together to teach and learn new ways of interacting, new ways of solving problems, new ways of changing the world," the founders said on the website.
So all you aging baby boomers, break out the tye dye t-shirts and start practicing your "hey hey - ho ho" protest chants for tomorrow afternoon; it's going to be trip down memory lane.
This rally is also for you 20 somethings who get your news from Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks. You'll have the full attention of the powers that be in Washington and the Democratic leadership in Oklahoma City.
Posted at 1/26/2007 12:35:00 PM