In our short six months of reporting and commenting on Oklahoma political news, a few of our readers have accused OKPNS of being bias towards certain candidates or slanted towards a particular political ideology. To bring more "balance" to our site, we have partnered to post the work of an Oklahoma blogger who describes himself as a "looney-left moonbat swings for fences." He goes by the moniker "Oil Field Guy" and the name of his blog is
By Oilfield Guy
A recent poll by Survey USA looked at each state's views on the abortion issue. According to this poll, Oklahoma is fairly evenly divided on this issue, 48% pro-life to 47% pro-choice, with pro-life trending down and pro-choice trending up. But if any politician comes out in favor of a woman's right to determine what happens to her body, the fundamentalists immediately attack by labeling them baby killers.
This post is my effort to look at the fundies claims of "abortion is murder" and everything it implies.
Let's take the murder argument seriously. In Oklahoma, a staunchly law and order state, we execute murderers. Especially premeditated ones, where someone was paid to do the hit, doubly so if it involves innocent babies. Never before could anyone deny a more open and shut case. Receipts and cancelled checks are involved, as well as medical records.
Do the fundies advocate the death penalties for these murders? If not, why not?
Some laws, which deny women self-determination of their own bodies, include a rape and incest provision. Sounds reasonable, but is it? Are these politicians advocating the death of innocent babies only if the innocent babies are the victims of a crime?
If the fundamentalists are successful and the deed to a woman's womb is removed from her possession and handed over to the old white guy Talibangelical Crowd of Falwell, Dobson and Robertson, abortions will not stop. They will simply become "back alley" operations and women will die. Perhaps that is the price they should pay for committing the sin of sex.
Posted at 11/03/2006 05:48:00 PM