Staff reports
Democrats may have swept most of the top state offices, but not all had help from Garfield County voters.
Garfield County voted contrary to the state in general in the lieutenant governor, state auditor and inspector, la-bor commissioner and insurance commissioner races.
In the lieutenant governor race, Republican Todd Hiett carried the county with 9,073 votes to Democrat Jari Askins’ 6,659. Independent E.Z. Million got 389 votes.
Republican Gary Jones bested incumbent Democrat Jeff McMahan in Garfield County, 9,413 votes to 6,479, in the auditor contest. Ousted Labor Commissioner Brenda Reneau also carried Garfield County, 9,644 to Lloyd Fields’ 6,262. In the insurance commissioner race, Republi-can Bill Case carried Garfield County 9,330 to incumbent and winner Kim Holland’s 6,584.
Garfield County went along with the statewide vote in the corporation commission race, selecting Republi-can incumbent Bob Anthony over Democrat challenger Cody Graves 11,488 to 4,513.
Democrat Gov. Brad Hen-ry won all precincts in Gar-field County over Republican Ernest Istook. Hiett swept all precincts but three in his bid against Askins in the lieutenant governor race.
In the top state races, the closest race in Garfield Coun-ty was between Democrat Scott Meacham and Republi-can Howard Barnett for state treasurer. Meacham beat Bar-nett by only 441 votes in the county.
Posted at 11/09/2006 07:52:00 AM