Wednesday, March 14, 2007 OKPNS FLASHBACK: Jeff McMahan's "Other" Scandal
EXCLUSIVE: Tape Reveals Former A&I Employee Fired In Retaliation
Taped Jeff McMahan accuses fired employee of supporting opponent in 2002
The Oklahoma Political News Service has obtained a recording between former A&I employee Dana Webb and State Auditor & Inspector Jeff McMahan. Webb was dismissed from her job as Tulsa manger of the A&I office soon after the 2002 election. McMahan is heard on this eight minute recording reassuring Webb that her work ethic was not in question for her dismissal. He goes on to tell Webb that he was "trashed in Tulsa" (the election result) and that he felt Webb had "supported Jones." McMahan also assured Webb, "We're going to find you a job".
The McCarville Report Online is doing an excellent series on this allegation and another allegation swirling around State Auditor and Inspector Jeff McMahan. The allegation concerns top A&I employees who say they guaranteed a McMahan Campaign Loan in October 2002.
"Two former top employees in the state auditor & inspector's office have told The McCarville Report Online they each signed $2,000 promissory notes [from] a Shawnee bank in October 2002 to secure a last-minute $20,000 campaign loan for Jeff McMahan, then locked in a close election battle with Republican Gary Jones."
McMahan has repeatedly said that he does not compel his employees to contribute to his campaign or compel them to work for his campaign in their free time. OKPNS will continue to investigate.
Labels: Jeff McMahan Posted at 3/14/2007 04:00:00 PM |