Ronald Reagan, when asked why he left the Democratic party, responded that he didn't leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left him. The DNC - tired of losing national elections and buoyed by the President's and the Republican led Congress' low approval ratings - have started a
"welcome home to the Democratic Party" video campaign.
The four videos feature a young mother with her two small daughters in front of church, a middle aged homemaker, a teenage or young adult voter, and a man hunting with his two sons. The Dems for years have been losing support from three of the four groups represented and the fourth group simply doesn't vote. The messages in the videos, simply doesn't match up with their platform.
Would a young mother, after attending church with her two young daughters, really feel welcome in a party that advocates allowing her minor daughters to receive an abortion without her consent? Would she really feel welcome in a party that attempts to secularize our society under the misguided interpretation of "separation of church in state" in the constitution?
Posted at 9/18/2006 02:04:00 PM