There is a difference between reporting and editorializing, but the lines seem to be blurred in favor of Democrat Governor Brad Henry, according to an OKPNS reader who read this morning’s September 18th Tulsa World. (The above photos are the actual sizes shown on the Tulsa World's website.)
“In the side by side photos chosen by the Tulsa World, Ernest Istook [Republican gubernatorial nominee congressman representing the Fifth District],is shown open-mouthed almost looking like an opera singer performing on stage. Democrat Brad Henry, on the other hand, is shown standing in front of an American flag, appearing serious, perhaps responding to a question from someone at a public event.”
The pictures run under a caption “Flyers Ruffle Feathers.” From these pictures, readers would be likely to assume the feathers being ruffled belonged to Congressman Istook when in reality; it’s the Henry campaign complaining about their record being inaccurately portrayed to the voters.
Oklahoma Political News Service welcomes all reader submissions, especially those that catch bias in the mainstream media red-handed.
Posted at 9/18/2006 01:15:00 PM