In what can be called a publicity gift from the political gods, State Auditor and Inspector candidate Gary Jones, is offering an additional $1,000 for information leading to the capture and conviction of those responsible for the theft of his trailer this weekend in Tecumseh.
“The campaign team put in a great deal of labor in the creation of my two campaign trailers,” said Jones.
“I believe in the people in Oklahoma and I am convinced that the reward money we’re offering will be an incentive to encouraging people to do the right thing.”
In addition, Jones has decided that if the trailer is returned undamaged within 72-hours of this release, he will not pursue charges against the perpetrators.
“In the event that it was a prank, it was wrong, but I want to give the perpetrators the opportunity to do the right thing,” he said.
“If the trailer is returned to me within 72 hours undamaged, I will not pursue charges because I believe in second chances.”
Jones said that once elected as State Auditor, thieves of taxpayer dollars shouldn’t expect such mercy.
“When I am elected to State Auditor, don’t expect me to be merciful to those who waste taxpayer dollars,” Jones quipped.
“Stealing from a campaign is a felony, stealing from taxpayers is unforgivable.”
Gary Jones can be contacted at 405-245-6379.
Posted at 9/19/2006 11:40:00 AM