In a competitive election, you can expect a campaign sign or two will end up "missing" from a supporter's front yardor from the side of the road . Gary Jones, candidate for state auditor and inspector, had a
CAMPAIGN TRAILER stolen from Tecumseh between 8:00 p.m. Friday and 8:00 a.m. Saturday.
“I received permission to park the trailer behind a real estate office in Tecumseh last night,” said Jones.
“I was actually walking in the Perry parade behind our second trailer when I received a call from a friend who had gone to Tecumseh to help with that parade. When they got to Tecumseh they discovered the trailer missing.”
Jones said he reported the theft to the Tecumseh Police Department Saturday morning.
“I parked it with every precaution available. The wheels were locked. I’m grateful to the Tecumseh Police Department for their efforts to locate the missing trailer,” Jones said.
The former Oklahoma Republican party Chair and political veteran took the theft in stride and with humor.
"Hopefully, whoever stole this one can keep driving it around populated areas across our state until election day.”
Ona serious note, Jones questioned the trailer being stolen in his opponents hometown and hopes the borrowed trailer will be returned.
“It’s ironic that is was stolen in the hometown of my opponent,” Jones said. “I have taken these trailers around the state and parked them at various locations and never had a problem. I borrowed this trailer from a friend. Now I have to call him and tell him his trailer is missing. These trailers cost around $4000. If we don’t find it I will have to replace it.”
Posted at 9/18/2006 11:50:00 AM