Gary Jones, Republican candidate for State Auditor, believes that his Democratic opponent Jeff McMahan is once again misleading Oklahoma voters. Jones’ assertion was made Friday in light of recent published reports in the Norman Transcript that quote McMahan as saying he “went to school to learn accounting.”
In a press release, Jones said:
“Fours years ago Jeff McMahan claimed to have a college degree in Physical Education. This year he lists his degree as Education. Now he claims to have gone to school to learn Accounting. I now understand why McMahan won’t debate me face-to-face. He will have to account for his misleading and inaccurate statements.”
Jones said there are many questions that Jeff McMahan needs to answer.
“I have offered repeatedly to meet and debate him any place, any time. I don’t believe Oklahoma voters will allow Jeff McMahan to continue to dodge open, honest forums and debates between the two of us for the next six weeks.”
Jones has challenged McMahan to debate the issues, but McMahan has avoided even multi-candidate forums where the format is strictly informational about each candidate rather than interaction between candidates seeking the same office.
Jones believes McMahan is consciously avoiding all forums and debates because he has something to hide.
“One of the great freedoms we enjoy in this country is the open political process, and every day that Jeff McMahan avoids an honest debate, he denies the people of Oklahoma the opportunity to hear the truth. Oklahomans are a lot smarter than the incumbent gives them credit for being."
Jones has been criss-crossing the state for weeks meeting with community leaders and voters from all walks of life.
“I have participated in every candidate forum and parade that I could possibly fit into a 24 hour, 7 day a week schedule, and I will continue that pace until the voters go to the polls on November 7th."
Posted at 9/28/2006 10:13:00 AM