Saturday, September 16, 2006 OKLAHOMA UPDATE: Istook Over Henry In latest + New Ads!
Dear Fellow Sooners & Soonerfans!
We're getting into the peak of Election Season and I've got to say, I don't know what makes me happier, the fact that Ernest Istook's campaign for governor in my home Sooner State is has kicked into high gear or that my Sooner Football has found its stride.
Let's start with the fun stuff...
I know you want the poll numbers, so here they are: Among voters who have an opinion of both candidates (very likely general election voters statewide), Istook now LEADS Henry 50-41%. Istook LEADS Henry in the OKC media market 43% to 40% among ALL voters. And even the generic ballot is 40-36% R over D.
But here's where this gets better: this survey is more than 20-cents old on the gas-price chart, and came out before Republicans started their big push on national security, energy and general "whoop ass" over the last week. This, by the way, hasn't gone unnoticed here in Oklahoma.
Brad Henry: Same party as Jay "Iraqi Women were better off with Saddam Hussein" Rockefeller. Yeah, that'll play.
Speaking of things that won't play, let's talk about Brad Henry's policy on immigration: "Welcome to Oklahoma." Free benefits, discounted tuition... It's like the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House during the Clinton years around here if you had to crawl under a fence to get here first. Suffice it to say, voters aren't buying it so much.
Posted at 9/16/2006 04:20:00 PM