When the state imprisons an individual, they naturally lose basic rights they would normally take for granted such as freedom of movement, your voting privileges, and to a certain extent, free speech. Should the state of Oklahoma have the power to allow an inmate to be unwise with their own money?
new state law that takes effect in January mandates that prisoners have savings accounts when they are paroled. The DOC will confiscate (I mean collect) 20 percent of all money sent to inmates. We see the benefits of teaching inmates the virtue of saving and the potential for the parolee to be less of a burden on society when released, in turn reducing ricidvism rates. It's the idea of the government taking an inmates money - without them having a say - seems a little draconian.
This will never become an issue since there's probably not a lot of sympathy for someoone who breaks the law and is sent to prison. Almost reminds you of our current social security system. The government takes your money and "invests" it for your retirement.
Posted at 9/28/2006 11:34:00 AM