The National Right to Life Committee, called "America's leading pro-life advocacy group" endorsed Ernest Istook for Governor today. Istook has a 100% lifetime rating from the NRLC. In an email to OKPNS, the Istook campaign quotes Governor Henry's views on abortion.
October 27, 2002 Tulsa World
"In a nutshell, I'm pro-choice It is one of the most intensely personal issues and should be decided by a woman, her doctor, her husband, if she has one, and her God. I don't believe the government should intrude in people's personal lives."
October 30, 1992 Daily Oklahoman Friday City Edition
"Henry also said he is pro-choice on abortion and believes the decision should be made by those involved, not black and white laws."
August 21, 1992 The Daily Oklahoman Friday City Edition
Shawnee attorney, Brad Henry, said he is pro-choice and anti-government waste.
August 16, 1992 The Daily Oklahoman Sunday City Edition
Henry added, "I am pro-choice concerning the abortion and believe the decision should be made by those involved, not black and white laws."
Posted at 9/19/2006 12:36:00 PM