Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Legislature Needs to Take Control of College Tuitions
We don’t expect most university presidents in Oklahoma to like what they hear when they sit in on an interim legislative study on tuition increases and the fairness of fund distribution.
Rep. Mike Jackson, R-Enid, has called for the interim study, which will be conducted next week. The interim study comes in the wake of a last-minute — but unsuccessful — move by the Legislature last year to take back control over tuition increases.
Both the House and Senate voted overwhelmingly to give the power of tuition hikes back to the Legislature. It came in the waning days of the legislative session, and Gov. Brad Henry vetoed it because the idea didn’t really have a proper hearing.
Well, it will have a hearing this legislative session, starting with these studies. Legislators must be hearing from their constituents about the meteoric rise in tuition costs since the Legislature turned tuition authority completely over to the Regents system.
According to Jackson’s figures, the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University have received double-digit tuition increases over the last four years.
Posted at 9/19/2006 11:52:00 AM