M. Scott Carter, a reporter for the
Norman Transcript who wrote the original story we quoted in a post below about the state auditor's race, has issued an apology to the McMahan campaign. Carter inadvertently attributed a quote to Jeff McMahan that he didn't make. In an email to OKPNS, Carter wrote:
"For the record, Jeff never said "My opponent went to school to learn how to
throw mud; I went to school to learn accounting. He only said "my opponent went to school to learn how to throw mud." I accidentally put a quote and a question together and they were attributed to Jeff."
"I take full responsibility for the mistake; it was my fault and I apologize to
Jeff and his campaign. I've also contacted Jeff's office to apologize to him. Again, the error was my fault and not Mr. McMahan's."
Posted at 9/28/2006 04:04:00 PM