State question 733 will be on the ballot in November. It would repeal the ban on selling alcohol on all election days. This outdated law, probably enacted to discourage the scenes portrayed in this famous painting by Missouri painter George Caleb Bingham, of alcohol being served at the polls and drunks being literally dragged to the courthouse steps to vote.
In future elections if SQ 733 passes, Democrats can give free alcohol to the homeless along with
free cigarettes to vote for their candidates.
Section XXVIII-6: Prohibition of sales on certain days - Penalties
It shall be unlawful for any retail package store to sell, at retail, any alcoholic beverage:
On the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday;
On the day of any National, State, County or City Election, including primary elections, during the hours the polls are open; and
On Decoration or Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Posted at 9/26/2006 09:27:00 AM