Approximately 1800 will be eligible for TAA benefits
Employees of the Dayton Tire plant in Oklahoma City will be eligible for federal help, Congressman Ernest Istook (R-Warr Acres) announced yesterday. Istook said the U.S. Department of Labor has approved TAA (Trade Adjustment Assistance) and Alternative TAA certification benefits for employees affected by the announced closure of the tire manufacturing facility at the end of the year.
"This is an important ruling for these workers," said Istook
. "They will have access to education and income support which will help them transition to retirement or to other employment."
The Trade Act programs, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA), assist individuals who have become unemployed as a result of increased imports from, or shifts in production to, foreign countries. The Department of Labor determined the closing of the Dayton Tire facility meets the criteria for such help. The goal is to help trade-affected workers return to suitable employment as quickly as possible.
TAA certified workers may receive income support, relocation allowances, job search allowances, and a health coverage tax credit. Workers who require retraining may receive occupational training. In addition, older workers, for whom retraining may not be suitable, may be eligible for a wage subsidy if they take a lower-paying job.
The decision includes not only employees of the tire facility, but also "on-site leased workers of Unicco, Wedgeco, TCMS, Janiking, Boldt Construction, Atlantic Projects, FRI Electric, Duncan Equipment and Express Personnel," for an approximate total of 1,800 workers.
Posted at 9/26/2006 09:15:00 AM