At a press conference today at the Capitol, Congressman Istook, Rep. Randy Terrill, and Republican Party chairman Tom Daxon discussed what is seemingly becoming a pattern for Governor Brad Henry; claiming credit for yet more work produced by other people. His latest TV ad takes credit where credit is most definitely not due by saying that his anti-meth law has become a model for the country, again grabbing the glory that belongs to another. This claim continues Governor Henry’s pattern of assuming credit for other people’s work, in this case, from Representative John Nance, the author of the anti-meth law.
“Brad Henry is taking the credit for things he didn’t do, and passing the buck on his own failed initiatives,” stated Republican State Party Chairman Tom Daxon after seeing the latest TV commercial.
“This is not what a leader does. This is not the Oklahoma way.”
Representative John Nance (R-Bethany) , was the author of the meth bill that Brad Henry is now taking credit for, and he can’t recall the Governor having much to do with it, except for signing it.
In a statement, Rep. Nance said,
“Governor Henry has this new commercial claiming that his anti-meth laws are curbing the meth problem in Oklahoma. Governor Henry did nothing to push this law except sign it, which definitely does not merit a commercial bragging about it. That’s not the Oklahoma way”
Likewise, Representative Kevin Calvey (R-Del City) and the Republican controlled House of Representatives were the forerunners in creating the biggest tax cut in state history that Governor Henry bragged about in his first wave of commercials.
“Governor Henry only wants to take credit for the good, and pass off the bad. The fact is that he did raise taxes, which he proposed himself. Brad Henry does not want to take credit for his own work, but does want to take credit for the work of other people. That’s not the Oklahoma way.” said Representative Calvey in a statement.
“Brad Henry is the biggest spender in the history of Oklahoma, increasing spending by $2 billion dollars.” said Republican Party Chairman Tom Daxon.
“Yet he takes credit for replenishing the Rainy Day Fund and creating the largest tax cut in the state’s history. Brad Henry would have spent all the money the oil and gas boom are generating if it were not for the Republican controlled House. That’s not the Oklahoma way”
And if all of this weren’t enough, Brad Henry is not trying to “create” a position on illegal immigration, when in fact he has made the problem worse by giving tax-payer funded benefits to illegal immigrants.
“Brad Henry made the problem of illegal immigration worse by giving taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens. That is an inducement for them to come to our state,” said Representative Randy Terrill (R-Moore)
“And when Governor Henry discovered that illegal immigration was a major issue he tried to phony up his position on it by claiming that he “ordered” the Highway Patrol to assist in the arrest of illegal aliens, which we now know to be false.”
Representative Ron Peterson (R- Broken Arrow) mirrored these sentiments by talking about Governor Henry’s failed tobacco tax initiatives. “We won’t hear Governor Henry talk about his failed tobacco tax policy that has created the lowest cost cigarettes in the nation, cost the state millions of dollars in revenue and put many small business in ruin.”
“You can’t have it both ways Governor Henry. You can’t just take credit for other peoples bills that you signed, and then not take ownership for other bills you signed. That’s not the Oklahoma way, Governor.” added Tom Daxon.
Posted at 9/27/2006 03:37:00 PM