Governor Henry is on the air with a
new ad touting his anti-meth law. In a curious move for a Democratic politician these days, the ad features Kingfisher's Chief of Police saying the "Bush White House called the law a model for the nation." The ad also claims that meth lab busts went from "one hundred a month to two a month."
According to some experts, anti-meth laws which keep common cold medicines off the shelves have only made the problem worse. They have actually put recreational meth users into more frequent contact with smugglers and traffickers, likely sparking increases in black market violence.
According to the DEA's own website, most of this country's meth comes not from garage laboratories in the Midwest, but from clandestine superlabs in California and Mexico. These labs smuggle pseudoephedrine in bulk from Mexico and Canada and use it to manufacture street methamphetamine, which they then distribute across the country. Cold and allergy medicine never enters the picture. It's almost certain that these superlabs compensate for any small dip in the meth supply caused by limiting homemade meth cook's access to pseudoephedrine.
With Mexican drug lords now smuggling pseudoephedrine into the nation, Governor Henry's
lax attitude toward immigration may be counteracting his "tough" anti meth law. OKPNS will continue to investigate.
Posted at 9/22/2006 04:15:00 PM