Wednesday, August 30, 2006 "On The Move" Tour Hits Another Pothole
Governor Henry's "on the move" rv tour has hit another pot hole. Commenting to reporters on why he's embarking on this trip, Governor Henry replied:
"Oklahoma is on the move, and I want to tell people how we can build on our accomplishments and meet the challenges of the future."
We reported Tuesday the dismal turnout for the first stop of the tour. The turnout was so abysmal that campaign workers resorted to handing out Henry t-shirts to "working" construction crews. According to the Community Action Project, the average Oklahoman's economic fortunes are also "on the move" but not in the direction the governor would like.
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) A Tulsa-based anti-poverty agency says the average Oklahoman is being left out of the current economic boom and the state's poverty rate is rising.
The Community Action Project says it's conclusion is based on an analysis of U-S Census Bureau data.
A Census Bureau survey released today shows the median household income of Oklahomans fell to 39-thousand-292 dollars during 2004 and 2005. That's down from 39-thousand-519 dollars for the two previous years.
The survey also found the poverty rate in Oklahoma increased from eleven-point-eight percent in 2003-2004 to 13-point-two percent in '04 and '05.
David Blatt of the Community Action Project says the numbers show the average Oklahoma household and those at the bottom are being left out of the state's overall economic growth.
*The McCarville Report Online posts today on Henry's small crowds.
Posted at 8/30/2006 10:58:00 AM