Wednesday, August 23, 2006 Fallin's Easy Victory for OK 5th CD Sets Up Big Battle for Lt. Gov.
By Election Watchdog
As expected, Lt Governor Mary Fallin easily defeated Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett in tonight’s runoff for the GOP nomination to replace Republican Congressman Jim Istook in Oklahoma’s 5th CD. Falin united conservatives behind her in defeating the more moderate mayor 26,744 - 63% to 15,655 -37% with all precincts reporting. She is favored to defeat Democrat nominee and surgeon David Hunter in November.
Fallin's victory set the stage for a crucial two party battle to replace Fallin as Lt. Governor. The GOP will get a big boost in taking over the slightly Democrat State Senate (26-22) if they can keep this key position. The Lt. Governor can cast a tie-breaking vote to determine control as well as presiding over the Senate.
Conservative Republican House Speaker Todd Hiett was leading late Tuesday to win the GOP nomination for Lt. Governor in a race which tightened dramatically at the end. With all precincts counted, Hiet appeared to have defeated fellow conservative State Sen. Scott Pruitt by 66,217 - 51% to 63,812 - 49%. Hiett touted his record as the first Republican House Speaker in 80 years during which record tax cuts were approved and strong anti-abortion laws were passed. He supports shifting the tax burden from income taxes to consumption, or sales taxes.
Hiet will face a familiar opponent, House Democratic leader Jari Askins, who won the Democratic nomination for Lt. Governor by 95,087 - 54% over lobbyist and former David Boren staffer Pete Regan with 81,622 – 46%. Askins would become Oklahoma’s second woman and the first Democrat woman to hold this office. She supports establishing a children’s cabinet of child welfare advocates from throughout state government to help protect children from abuse, neglect and poverty.
Posted at 8/23/2006 08:11:00 PM