Oklahoma Political News Service has learned that both the state House and Senate GOP leadership have split from Oklahoma Republican Party and Chairman Tom Daxon over stalemates over
“Victory 2006” efforts. The legislative efforts to turn out the Republican vote will be separate from state party efforts (dubbed “Victory 2006”) in an unprecedented move, according to sources who spoke with OKPNS on the condition of anonymity.
“We are nearly two months out from Election Day and Daxon is like a deer in the headlights,” said a source familiar with the situation. “Effectively, Republican legislative leaders are setting up their own party through Oklahoma County GOP. They’ll do it on their own and they’ll get the job done.”
Despite what appear to be setbacks, an insider familiar with the split with Daxon described the election outlook as very optimistic.
“House leaders are confident in their majority, and in the Senate the sense is that a Republican majority is truly within reach if the state party doesn’t become a road block. As a result, they’ve switched to a different road.”
OKPNS will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as this story develops.
Posted at 8/28/2006 07:00:00 PM