Monday, August 21, 2006 Cornett Brings Campaign To Pottawatomie County
By Wayne Trotter
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett brought his congressional campaign to his No. 1 opponent's hometown last week and promised that if elected, he'll make representing this end of the district a priority.
“I know it's the image I'm going to have,” he commented, “the big city mayor who's trying to represent a smaller community.
“I have made a career out of exceeding expectations. I'm going to assume that this community's expectations are based on what Congressman Istook has already established Š that's kind of the baseline. If I don't exceed that, I will not exceed expectations.
“I will intend to exceed whatever level Congressman Istook has already established here.”
Posted at 8/21/2006 11:26:00 AM