The boys respond
In the ongoing saga that is
Bob Sullivan’s attack on Congressman Ernest Istook’s record on immigration, the two immigrants helped by Congressman Istook have entered the fray.
The Oklahoma Political News Service has obtained a
copy of the boy’s statement on the Sullivan press release.
In the statement, the pair say that Istook’s bill “helped save their lives” after their “father was arrested and murdered by Islamic radicals for participating in an anti-revolutionary protest in 1981.”
The pair then goes on to condemn Sullivan, stating “It is disheartening that Mr. Sullivan chose to turn a truly altruistic act by Rep. Istook into a political attack. It occurs to us that Mr. Sullivan’s lack of research into the matter before making such comments is indicative of his political inexperience.”
The Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to follow the story.
Posted at 6/28/2006 08:30:00 AM