Friday, June 09, 2006 Oklahoma Gazette Blasts “Fab Four on Grammar”
"You would think that some employee of either Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin, Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode, state Rep. Fred Morgan or state Rep. Kevin Calvey’s campaign would know how to use a comma.
Alas, after describing how Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett has falsely taken credit for moving gay-themed books out of children’s access in public libraries in a radio ad, the fab foursome (which, if it were a book title, would probably need to be removed as well) unloaded with this doozy of a sentence:
"On both parts, both his claim that he led the effort, and that the issue is solved are simply incorrect.
After receiving this press release, I happened to be at the Capitol June 7 meeting with Calvey. On my way out, I got lost (as usual) and wound up wandering down another hallway full of representatives’ offices. Like a blind squirrel finding an acorn, I saw a little sign protruding above one door that said "Sally Kern." I asked her what had happened.
She responded with a general rundown of what the release said, and then she said a little more.
Cornett apparently did vote on the issue "about a month" before — something I didn ’t understand.
I asked Kern if she had heard the commercial and had taken her concerns to the four candidates. She said no.
They had contacted her, she said, either personally or via campaign representative. She said she gave them a statement and wanted no more of it. She said it was their race to run and she didn’t want to be involved."
Posted at 6/09/2006 07:05:00 AM