Despite corruption scandals in Washington and President Bush's low approval ratings, Oklahoma grassroots activists are expressing on
demookie.com their concern with their party's lack of
"direction" and
"strategy". Forum members wrote:
"There is a sense of frustration by those of us in the grass roots that those in the policy levels of the Democratic policy are so confused about which direction to go and what strategy to pursue, that we could just spit."
"See all the checks and balances disappearing as the Republicans control all three branches of our government, I'm just burned out. I feel helpless."
"I feel the same way often"
"I feel frustrated because of people like Tim Rees and Scott Meachum. They sell out working Oklahomans because they have their egos that says they are better than the rest of us."
Posted at 6/28/2006 12:39:00 PM