"There's a new Web log for political junkies in Oklahoma -- the Oklahoma Political News Service." -- Roll Call
“A source confirms the report in the Oklahoma Political News Service that the Ethics Commission had started looking into alleged campaign donation irregularities.”Jerry Bohnen - News Radio 1000 KTOK-AM (Oklahoma City)
Send letter to Speaker seeking voteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP excerpt) All five U-S House members from Oklahoma ask House leaders today to schedule a vote on a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
A week after the Senate soundly rejected a similar gay marriage ban, the five Oklahoma congressmen sent a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois and Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio, asking that the Marriage Protection Amendment be brought to the House floor for a vote this year.
The letter is signed by Republican Representatives Ernest Istook, Frank Lucas, John Sullivan and Tom Cole and Democrat Representative Dan Boren.Posted at 6/15/2006 08:19:00 AM
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