Republican lawmakers expressing budget concerns
Yesterday, when we expressed healthy skepticism of the pending budget agreement, we were chastised by an anonymous commentator who suggested that there was "no story here" and that it was a "done deal." Nothing is complete in politics until the signatures are written and the handshakes and photo ops are complete.
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) (excerpt) Several Republican lawmakers are expressing concerns that they'll be asked to pass a state budget the same day they get their first glimpse of it.
The state House is set to reconvene tomorrow for a special session intended to pass a state budget. Lawmakers failed to pass a budget during the regular session that ended last month and Governor Henry called them back for a special session.
If no budget is passed, state agencies will run out of money on June 30th and be forced to shut down.
Legislative leaders plan to wrap up the budget work by the end of the week. An agreement was reached last week by Republican House Speaker Todd Hiett and Democratic Senate President Pro Tem Mike Morgan.
However, several House members are considering proposing amendments to that agreement that could slow down the budget process.
Posted at 6/21/2006 01:26:00 PM